Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Daft Punk -Teachers (home made clip0

Daft Punk meets College kids w/ too much time. Hilarity ensues.

sadly reminds me of some of my friends. Enjoy

Thursday, December 14, 2006

more knews

allright so i am diabetic.'
prolly type 2. In time we will know for sure, theres a slight chance its early stages of type 1.

moving on

wish lists! I would love it if people would post wishlists so i can have ideas for pessies!

i will also post one later one, i need sleep.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


knitting knews~

knitting 4 socks at the moment, two of which are with yarn i have dyed.

knittting some scalfs as well, one is just some cute yarn andone with hand spun

still working on jumper, almost up to decresses for arm holes for the back pice

making me some new cat years.

oh and still have a bajillion other projects OTN im not working on much.

bad knews~

i havnt been knitting much due to really bad joint pain, not just the heat.

just got test results from a glutose tollerance test i did yesterday...and well...just... Fuck. Diabeties is highly probable right now. I will see doc tomorrow to see what the answers mean.

drugs i have been on for 3 months have done basically nothing. increasing dosage.

all this week except Friday i have some form of docters appointment.

good knews~

finished high school! for good! wooo

spinning wheels of fortune! well of brokenness, we're going to fix them and stuff, and one will be my christmas pressy! yay me

oh yeah, year ten formal! photos taken by my friend doug are here http://formal2006.deceptionauto.com/
if u wish to know who is who just ask, if not here then like, msn, or e-mail (jen at sutherland-studios dot com dot au)

peace out