Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Ok i have been lazy - real lazy - fact is i am not doing this blog to entertain people, more just myself :P

Now i am still too lazy to post pistures - but i had my 15th last month and gos awsome stuff! Like a drop spindle - lots of yarn and stuff to spinn with - yaaaay

so i have been spinning yarn and learning to ply well etc. Miss Penny taught me ow to ply on the spinning wheel!! Very exciting. She also gave me a DEVINE dress which is now my formal dress w00t.

im not tooo lazy to show u my formal dress tho.

knitting stuff
ive knitted socks
im currentlyknitting socks for the cousin
knitting kitty ears with yarn i spun - having difficulty getting it right actually


thats alli can think of right now

mwah mwah